Magirus FireBull in Brazil
World’s first tracked fire engine for the state of Ceará

The Magirus FireBull, shown recently at the PowerBully booth at Interschutz in Hanover, is on its way to the Brazilian state of Ceará.
The first Magirus FireBull, a PowerBully 18T chassis with a special upfit for use in vegetation fires, goes to the state of Ceará, Brazil. Last week, the world’s first tracked fire fighting vehicle was handed over at the Magirus Experience Center in Ulm.
Use in vegeation fires
The PowerBully 18T chassis with an engine output of 231 kW (305 hp) has a gross vehicle weight of 66,138 lbs and reaches a speed of around 6 mph. The transport of high volumes of extinguishing agent (9,000 litres of water, 1,000 litres of foam) with a minimum ground pressure of 0.300 kilograms per square centimetre at a permissible total weight of 30 tons is one of the central advantages in impassable and difficult-to-access terrain. In
In the future, the FireBull will be used in the region around Porto do Pecém. In addition to being called out for use in vegetation fires or operations in the nearby reserve and protected area, the region has a large port, beaches and numerous large industrial operations ranging from recycling plants to steel production, some of which have difficult-to-access terrain.
Visit the Magirus website for further information:

Magirus FireBull
Click here to learn more about the world's first tracked fire fighting vehicle.